Horizon Corporate Consultants Limited

Horizon Corporate Consultants Limited (“Horizon”) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CCS Trustees Limited (“CCS”), a privately-owned independent trust company. approved and licensed by the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (see LINKS to http://bviifc.vg) under the Banks and Trust Companies Act, 1990.

The Directors of Horizon are Roger Dawes and Brian Jackson who have between them more than forty years experience in the financial services industry.

Roger Dawes is a long-time resident of the British Virgin Islands. He has successfully held senior management positions in trust companies, banks and insurance companies based in British Virgin Islands, Hong Kong and the Bahamas. Roger is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators, a member of the Society of Trust & Estate Practitioners and an Associate of the Compliance Institute.

Brian is a UK qualified Chartered Accountant who has been involved in the international financial services business since 1987. He was the Founder and long time Managing Director of the AMS Group in the British Virgin Islands before moving to Geneva, Switzerland in 2000. Since then he has worked in Switzerland, Hong Kong, China, Singapore and Jersey gaining valuable experience in all of these places.